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Year Group Updates - Years 1, 3 & 5

Year 1 Update

Year 1 have been busy learning this week.

We have been learning about different types of animals. Last week we learnt about mammals. Mrs Gardener visited our classes with Cerys our school dog.

This week Mrs Q came into school with her pet tortoise Reggie. He was alot smaller than Cerys but the children were fascinated and many were brave enough to touch his shell and legs!

In Maths we have continued our work learning numbers up to 20. We used various different resources to make the numbers in different ways.

In History we have been learning about different houses from the past including Tudor, Medieval, Georgian and Victorian.

1H and 1B were the first 2 classes to visit Kenton Library. 1VG and 1K will visit next week. Thank you to all the parents who were able to support us on the visits.



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Year 3 Update

In Year 3, we have been obsessed with the Egyptians. Using our new text, Cinderella of the Nile, we have been finding out about how the Egyptians lived and what was important to them. Society was very different back then and Rhodopis soon found out how cruel life could be for peasants when she was captured by pirates. The children have used emotive language to help describe her experience throughout the story. In our English lessons, we have started writing narratives in third person. All children have shown fantastic commitment to their learning!

Over the holidays, some children also did some optional homework and created their own pyramids at home. They embraced the challenge with enthusiasm, creativity, and lots of imagination. See attached photos!

In History, we have been learning why the Nile was so important to the Egyptian people and its impact on farming and travel. As part of our Egyptian learning, the children have also looked at Egyptian Art when they have been learning how to “paint with scissors” by cutting card to create a larger piece of artwork.

In our recent Science lessons, students have been exploring nutrition and learning about the importance of choosing the right types and amounts of food. They examined various food labels and engaged in thoughtful discussions about the different food groups. It was a great opportunity for them to reflect on what makes food healthy and how we can make nutritious choices in our daily lives. We have been so impressed by how enthusiastic the children have been about this, sharing their own food experiences from a range of cultures.









Year 5 Update

Year 5 have been working hard on our persuasive leaflets persuading tourists to visit the Caribbean Island of St Lucia. All of the children have worked hard and published their work today. We look forward to sharing the work with parents and carers at Parent’s evening. We were also lucky enough to have class assemblies with a professional wheelchair basketball player this week which was truly inspirational.

We have also had our inter house dodgeball competition this week with all of the children playing to win house points. This was really fun and the children enjoyed the competition immensely.

Finally we have started our science work on materials with an interesting investigation about what happens when you add raisins to lemonade: would you believe they float up and down!


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