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Year Group Updates - Years 4 & 6

Year 4 Update

What an exciting and eventful week we’ve had in Year 4! Our learning has been full of new challenges, discoveries, and plenty of meaningful discussions.

In Maths, we’ve been diving into the tricky concept of division with remainders. At first, this was a real challenge for many of us, but with plenty of perseverance and determination, we’ve made fantastic progress! Everyone has worked hard, and we can now confidently tackle division problems with remainders. However, as we know, practice makes perfect! It’s important that the children continue to practice this skill at home to really embed it and build even greater confidence.

In English, we’ve been reading the moving and thought-provoking Christophe’s Story by Nikki Cowell. The book has provided a powerful insight into the experiences of a Rwandan refugee who has moved to the UK. As we’ve followed Christophe’s journey, the children have been engaged in deep and heartfelt discussions about what it might feel like to leave behind everything you know and start a new life in a foreign country. The themes of hope, resilience, and the challenges faced by refugees have sparked some incredible conversations, and it’s been wonderful to witness such empathy and reflection from the class.

In Geography, our exploration of Eastern European countries has been a highlight. The children have loved learning about this fascinating region of the world, and for some of them, this topic hits close to home. Several students have shared their personal experiences of having lived in Eastern Europe before moving to the UK, which has made the learning even more meaningful. Using Google Earth, the class enjoyed zooming in on different countries, cities, and landmarks. The children were able to explore their connections to the places we’ve been studying, and we encourage them to keep exploring at home to discover even more about this region and the wider world.

In Computing, we are focusing on online safety and programming, teaching the children how to navigate the digital world responsibly and creatively.

During our RE sessions, we have been learning about Sikhism and the significance of the 5Ks, allowing students to appreciate different cultures and beliefs.

In Science, we have been investigating sounds, which has sparked great interest among the children as they engage in hands-on experiments.

Finally, our Geography lessons have taken us on a journey through the physical and human features of Eastern European countries, providing a broader perspective of the world we live in.

Additionally, we are discussing PSHE topics related to family composition and diversity, helping the children understand and respect different backgrounds.

Meanwhile, some of our Year 4 superstars have been hard at work preparing for their class assemblies. They’ve been practicing their lines, songs, and performances with great enthusiasm and dedication, and we can’t wait to see them shine in front of the whole school!

It’s been a week of exciting learning, new experiences, and personal growth. From tackling tricky maths to exploring new cultures and discussing important global issues, Year 4 has certainly been a class full of explorers. We’re all looking forward to more learning adventures ahead!


PARENTS EVENING - Please book a slot on Arbor for the upcoming parents evening on Thursday 13th February 2025.

UNIFORM - A few children have been coming to school in incorrect uniform particularly shoes. Please ensure that the children arrive in school in the appropriate school uniform.


Year 6 Update

This week Year enjoyed:

PE - Hockey

The children have been working so hard on developing their skills this term during their hockey session. They have learnt to pass and move to keep possession and to increase awareness when dribbling with the ball. We look forward to seeing the children implement attacking tactics during sided games later this term.

Religious Education (RE)

The children have been creating their own booklets focused on Christianity. They have been learning about significant events in the Christian faith, and each child crafted their booklet to explore these moments in a way that was meaningful to them. It has been wonderful to see their creativity shine through as they reflect on these important stories.


In English, the children stepped into the role of poets and wrote their own poems. The theme was "What would you do if you had fins?" and "What would you do if you had wings?"

The children had great fun imagining life under the sea. From swimming with dolphins to exploring coral reefs, their ideas were full of imagination and creativity. It’s been fantastic to see their poetic skills develop!


This week in year 6, we have been exploring our creative unit in Art. Our unit began with an in depth look at a Nigerian born artist who later moved to the United states of America, Njideka Akunyili Crosby. We explored the different techniques used within her pieces before then using the same techniques to help influence our pieces on culture and identity. The children have all been very enthusiastic and have applied themselves well towards the Art unit. Well done!










