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Wondermaths Challenge Heats Round

On Friday May 24th, Elmgrove Primary School competed in a huge maths challenge with 65 other schools. This is not the kind of maths you or your child do in school. We play games like T-shapes, Pentominoes, Dominoes, Dice, Surprise Problems, Code Breaking, and the classic 24 game. This is advanced maths. The children who took part in the competition were Abdul (5ST), Tajae (5G), Mustafa (5G), Antonia M (4W), and Sofia (4W). Daily practice is the key to our success. Mr Gorsia gave us tools to use at home, and he taught us all the tricks and tips, which helped us to practice for the competition. Before the game, I was nervous but determined to do my best. I had worked really hard for the past weeks to get ready for the challenge! When they were about to announce the winners, I knew we would win! They then revealed the winners of the competition, which was us, Elmgrove Primary School! Cheers and happiness erupted from everyone! I was so proud of our team's achievement. We won first place! We'll be in the finals in June! Hip hip hooray! We're putting in a lot of work right now to win the finals!

Written by Sofia 4W





