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Year 5&6 Residential Updates

Wednesday 2nd October


After a long journey, we arrived safely at the Pioneer Centre. Everyone is currently settling in and will be jumping into their first activity shortly.


We have settled in beautifully. Our first activity was climbing and zip wire, which we all thoroughly enjoyed and are all feeling proud of our achievements. We will have a short break and then onto the next activity. Weather is dry!


After a short break, we jumped into our second activity where we enjoyed some archery and a high rope course. The weather has continued to be good. We are now off to eat some dinner!


After dinner, we had a campfire with some songs and games. We are now off to bed.

Thursday 3rd October


Everyone has had a good night's sleep and we have all just eaten a big breakfast to give us the energy for a full day of fun activities.

Beautiful morning here at Pioneer!

Caving time...


After some great fun this morning doing caving, we got to build some rafts and test them. 


Some more photos from rafting...

Some of us got a bit wet!


Today has been a busy day with raft building, caving, abseiling and archery. The raft building was the highlight as we got to build and sail our own rafts. We all got very wet but it was a memorable experience for all. This evening we have a film night and will rest before tomorrow's activities. We hope to leave at midday and will update the school to know when we will arrive. All the children have had a great time and have represented the school proudly.

Friday 4th October


Some more photos from our activities this morning.


After eating our lunch, we boarded the coach for our journey back to school.

A special thank you to the Pioneer Center and our instructors for giving us an amazing time!