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  • Community Police Officers Visit Nursery

    Published 23/02/24

    This week we welcomed our community police officers into school to talk to the children in our nursery about their jobs and work in the community. The children learnt about how to use the emergency number and showed the children their equipment. The children all got to have a photo taken with the police officer’s hats! The children followed up the learning with work in the nursery with role play and activities to support their topic on policing.

    police 2.jpg


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  • Year 2 Production

    Published 07/02/24


    Congratulations to all of Year 2 on their phenomenal school production! The children have shown dedication and creativity in order to raise awareness about global warming.

    We hope that through this production they have not only showcased their talent but inspired you to take action for their future! Consider your water consumption, turn off those lights, recycle and walk on every journey possible! Keep shining Year 2 and make a positive difference in the world!




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  • Exotic Explorers visit Reception

    Published 02/02/24

    The company ‘Exotic Explorers’ brought some very interesting creatures to school and the children were particularly intrigued by the nocturnal animals. Reception learnt that they hide, move and feast during night. They had the opportunity to touch, stroke and even hold a salamander, a snake and a hedgehog! The skunks moved freely around the classroom sniffing for food (and thankfully did not spray anywhere!) and the Owls spread out their wings to fly across the room. It was a magical experience with some of the parents commenting on Tapestry: ‘We are a few days later and she still talks a lot about it….wonderful memories!’, 'She was so excited by the snake!', 'What an amazing experience for the kids', 'So excited! They were so brave!'.





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  • Year 6 - TFL Workshop

    Published 14/01/24

    Year 6 enjoyed a workshop given by Transport for London on Monday afternoon. They learnt about safe and responsible travel on the public transport network through role-play and interactive videos. It was an invaluable opportunity and the Year 6 pupils learnt important citizenship messages and life skills.

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  • Harrow Tesco In Store Voting System

    Published 12/01/24

    We are excited to announce that Elmgrove Primary School has been accepted as part of the Tesco in-store token voting system. The Early Years Team applied to be part of the scheme to raise money for new equipment for their outdoor area. The voting will start in Mid-January and end in March.

    You will be able to vote by placing tokens in the pot which you will find in any local Tesco store.

    Please ask for the blue tokens after you have checked out. We need your support so please ask your family and friends to vote.

    We are looking forward to winning the vote and receiving the money which will help us to buy new equipment for our outdoor area.

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  • Girls Football Team Tournament at The Hive

    Published 29/11/23

    The girls took part in a football tournament on Wednesday and played extremely well. We are waiting to find out if we have got through to the finals. Well done to everyone that took part.

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  • Year 6 Visit Kenton Temple

    Published 22/11/23

    The year 6 children had first-hand experience of a Hindu Temple this week. We listened to a talk about Hindu deities and how people who follow the Hindu faith help to look after the environment. We also got a chance to explore the temple which was beautifully decorated for Diwali.




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  • Barnet Cup Qualifier

    Published 15/11/23

    On Wedneday selected boys from Year 5 & 6 went to The Hive for the Barnet Cup qualifier. Fantastic news, Elmgrove have qualified and we will play in the upcoming tournament. Keep up the geat work boys!


    "We traveled to Harrow hive with a bus and walking. We played five games and we lost one (0-2) drew one (0-0) and won three. We went up against some challenging players like Westlodge but we tried our hardest and best to defeat them. I was so shocked when I heard we made it to the finals. Everyone shouted "YES" and "LET's GO" because we made it to the finals. After we came back to school exhausted and hungry but still I was excited for the next match."

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  • Rights Respecting School Award

    Published 20/10/23

    The pupils, staff and parents at Elmgrove Primary School and Nursery have worked exceptionally hard to achieve the GOLD Award for UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award. We are all delighted with this news. It is an internationally recognised prestigious award for excellence.

    The pupils and staff have shown a continued commitment where the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is at the heart of policy and practice. The children have demonstrated good knowledge and understanding of rights and are aware of a wide range of articles showing confidence in the concepts of rights for all children. Pupil voice is highly valued at Elmgrove where the children have many opportunities to have their suggestions listened to and acted on. There is mutual respect and trust between the children and adults, allowing learning about rights in a positive way.

    Thank you to all the exceptional Rights Respecting Rangers who have empowered the children in raising awareness of their rights and responsibilities, through assemblies, discussions and campaigns which affect children both locally and globally.

    The Rights Respecting Rangers have successfully focused their campaigns on the effects of plastic pollution, the environmental Climate Catastrophe and highlighting the Cost of living Crisis.

    Everyone involved should be incredibly proud of this achievement. Congratulations on the great work in earning the GOLD Award!

    Mrs. R Patel and Ms Bialy


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  • Year 5&6 Residential Updates

    Published 06/10/23
    Wednesday 4th October


    After a long journey through some horrendous traffic, we arrived safely at the Pioneer Centre. Everyone is currently settling in and will be jumping into their first activity shortly.


    We have settled in beautifully. Abseiling and zip wire was our first activity which we all thoroughly enjoyed and are all feeling proud of our achievements. Dinner soon and then onto the next activity. Weather is dry!

    We ended the evening with a campfire!

    Thursday 5th October


    We all slept well and are looking forward to our day’s activities. Slight drizzle today – fingers crossed the weather clears up! 


    We are on our first activities this morning. Abseiling, high wire and archery. This afternoon we will be building rafts and testing them. 


    The morning activities are done and we are off to lunch. We had some completing the leap of faith this morning and we have some who managed to climb to the top of the tower!


    We have had a very wet afternoon building our own rafts and testing them on the water. Some people fell in but that did not stop us all from having a great time. We have also been caving and learning archery and tonight we will enjoy the tuck shop and movie night... 

    Friday 6th October


    We have woken on our last day to a dry but cloudy day. We have packed and enjoyed our last breakfast here. We are now completing our final activities before we say goodbye to the Pioneer Centre and begin our journey home. Our aim is to be home for the end of the school day but we will update the school as we travel. 

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  • BGC Charity Event 2023

    Published 11/09/23

    On Monday 11th September 2023, the Count on us champions were given the opportunity to represent the Mayor’s fund for London at the BGC Charity Event 2023. The children had an amazing time which included lots of celeb spotting, photos, games, arts and crafts and cooking. A huge thank you to BGC Partners for hosting the event.




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  • Summer Music Performance 2023

    Published 20/07/23

    Yesterday our Elmgrove musicians performed in front of the whole school, it was great to see so much talent. We had our teachers perform and sing too! If you have a child that would like to get involved with singing and music clubs next year please speak to the school office.









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