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  • Year 6 Theatre Visit to watch 'Wicked'

    Published 24/05/23

    We arrived at the theatre ecstatic to watch the wonderful musical, Wicked. We took our seats and the show began. Starting the show, an array of dancers leapt across the massive stage whilst beautifully singing a song - what a start! The show was thrilling from start to finish. It included spectacular songs and incredible dances. Dramatically, the show concluded with a colossal applause from the audience and it was time to head home.

    -Max & Faryal from 6L.





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  • Year 1 Visit to Church

    Published 19/05/23

    A huge thank you for Father Richard Norman at St Mary's Church Kenton for welcoming the children to the church. The children learnt about the importance of church throughout the Christian calendar and its importance to the local community. The children even got the chance to rind the church bells and try on some of Father Richard's formal robes used worn for important events. Thank you also to the parents who helped us out on the day.



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  • Year 4 Science Workshop

    Published 08/05/23

    Year 4 were thrilled to meet Toxic Tim and Dangerous Dan in last Friday's science workshop who facilitated ‘Gross Guts’. Children replicated the digestive process from mouth to…end(!) using cornflakes, a grinder for the action for the teeth, a variety of stomach acids and a tube for the intestine. Finally, we had created a healthy faeces which we could deposit in a bucket!

    In addition, there was an incredible assembly about electricity where the children could participate in practical activities to learn more about how electricity is conducted and how electricity always finds earth.

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  • Epping Forest Visit Reception

    Published 05/05/23

    This week Reception O'Keeffe and Reception Hockney class went on a visit to explore Epping Forest. They had so much fun exploring and taking part in activities to enhance what they have already been learning on 'Growth' and 'Mini beasts' in the classroom.





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  • Aylward 24 Game Competition - We got 1st!

    Published 31/03/23
    Last Friday, 6 children from Y5 & Y6 took part in the Aylward 24 Game competition. In total 6 schools across Harrow took part in the competition. The children were outstanding and should be really proud of what they have achieved. Over the last 3
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  • Science Week

    Published 24/03/23
    We are thrilled to report on the success of our recent Science Week. Our aim was to inspire and encourage our students to engage with science in new and exciting ways. During the week, we were privileged to host a workshop by the incredible Scienc
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  • Count on us Primary Challenge 2023

    Published 22/03/23
    On Wednesday 22nd March 2023, the Y5 Maths Club took part in the Count on us Primary Challenge In School Tournament. The challenges were extremely tricky this year and involved solving problems with dominoes, T-shapes, pentominoes and codebreaking. T
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  • 24 Game Competition: Elmgrove Staff vs Elmgrove Children

    Published 17/03/23
    The 24 game is a tournament held across schools in Harrow. Every year, Aylward Primary School hosts this tournament. Last year, was our first year participating and we are taking part again this year. The tournament takes place on the 24th of March t
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  • Football Finals

    Published 15/03/23
    The Year 5 & 6 Football team went to the Hive to take part in a football tournament. All the boys played extremely well and we made it to the semi finals! Well done Elmgrove and thank you to all the adults that helped with this event.
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  • World Book Day

    Published 03/03/23
    All the children and lots of teachers dressed up into the favourite book characters. Everyone had fun reading and sharing their favourite books and doing some other learning and fun activities in class.
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  • International Language Day

    Published 21/02/23
    On Tuesday we celebrated all the languages that are spoken in Elmgrove, all the children came in dressed in either traditional clothes or the colours of the flag of their mother's language counry. Throughout the morning/afternoon the children
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  • Year 3 Greek Day

    Published 10/02/23

    Year 3 children had a fantastic time celebrating Greek Day on Thursday. They took part in a number of different activities inspired by the work they had done on the Ancient Greeks. Children were able to come to school dressed as a character from Ancient Greece and they all put in lots of effort into their costumes!

    The children loved making their homemade wreaths and taking part in our Elmgrove Olympic games. They also learnt the Greek alphabet and discussed the entomology of some of our English words. However, the favourite for many of them, was the FOOD TASTING! The children loved trying new foods that derived from Ancient Greece and some even had seconds. The children enjoyed their day and all the different activities they were able to take part in.

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