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  • Year 3 Sleepover

    Published 27/01/23
    The children in Year 3 who attended the sleepover last Friday had a fantastic time! They made clay tiles, puppets, decorated biscuits, painted and even found some time for parachute games. They enjoyed some tasty pizza and a doughnut when they arrive
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  • Parent Governor Vacancy

    Published 20/01/23
    We currently have a vacancy for a parent to join Elmgrove’s Governing Body. This position is open to any parent or carer who has a child attending the School or Nursery. Being a governor is an important role in the life of the School as gove
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  • Junk Modelling - Year 2

    Published 13/01/23
    This half-term, Year 2 are excited to be exploring junk model artist Michelle Reader in their art lessons. We will be learning how to junk model through exploring different joins and materials. At the end of the unit, the children will be designing a
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  • New Entrance Display

    Published 06/01/23
    We have a new display up in our entrance which celebrates all the wonderful learning and activities at Elmgrove. In Year 4 they have started to learn about poetry. Today they enjoyed sharing and reading a variety of poetry books to each other.
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  • Christmas Performance

    Published 16/12/22
    Christmas Performance Yesterday selected children and many of those that learn musical instruments in school and are part of the school choir performed a Christmas play and some Christmas songs to the whole school. We even had Mr Cumber on the sta
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  • Choir perform at Barclays Bank

    Published 09/12/22
    On Thursday we had a very excited choir performing at Barclays bank in Harrow town centre. They performed in front of the Mayor and had a visit from Santa too. The children had a lot of fun and brought lots of festive joy to everyone around.
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  • Winter Fair

    Published 02/12/22
    It was the Winter Fair today! We hope you have managed to come and enjoy all the events here. We'd like to say a big thank you to all the staff and parents who have made this possible - see below for how you can help us make these events
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  • Anti-bullying & War Memorial in Wealdstone

    Published 18/11/22
    On Monday we all wore odd socks to school to show our support for anti-bullying week. Bullying is not tolerated at Elmgrove - you may remember the children created their own anti-bullying slogan last year "Take a Stand - Lend a Hand" and al
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  • We are in the new building!

    Published 02/11/22
    After nearly 5 years of planning and 2 years 2 months in our temporary home we are finally in our new building! We did it! It is absolutely stunning. The half-term move was relatively painless, and this was due to the hard work and dedication of our
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  • KS1 Multi Skills Festival

    Published 19/10/22
    Yesterday we took part in the Multi Skills Festival at St Bernadette's Primary School. The festival was set up as a carousel, where the children moved round the course taking part in a variety of games ranging from throwing bean bags, an obstacle
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  • Hockey Tournament

    Published 14/10/22
    "Yesterday we went to St Bernadette's for a hockey tournament. Two of them were the local team, St Bernadette's. We managed to win our first match 5-1 and drew against their second team 3-3. On our third match against Camrose we achieved
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  • Pioneer Centre 06.10.2022

    Published 07/10/22

    The children have enjoyed a very busy day with the weather being very kind to us. They now have an evening of board games, movie night and snack sharing ahead of their last night. Many faced their fears today by tackling a trek course on high ropes and abseiling and are now looking forward to the evening visit to the tuck shop too!

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