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  • Pioneer Centre Update 5.10.2022

    Published 06/10/22

    We have had a great first day with the children settling in well and having already squeezed in the following activities: Trek course, archery, high ropes, caving and inflatable course. We are just about to head off for a campfire (and the rain has held off for us on the whole) before returning to the lodges for some biscuits before bed. 

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  • New Building update

    Published 30/09/22

    A few more weeks and we will be ready to move into the new building! A reminder school will be closed on dates that fall either side of half term as we will to need pack items in our existing building to move into our new school. Children will be given online or packs of work to do at home on these dates.

    School will be closed (no children in school) for packing up and moving to new build on these dates:

    Thursday 20th October

    Friday 21st October

    Monday 31st October

    Tuesday 1st November











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  • The BGC Charity Event 2022

    Published 29/09/22

    The BGC Charity Event 2022 took place at Churchill Place on Thursday 29th September 2022. It remembers those who passed away on September 11th 2001. We went because BGC is partners with the Mayor’s Fund for London and we were the champions of the Count on Us Primary Challenge.

    We began our journey at 8:15am from Northwick Park Station. We got on our first train which was only a few stops until we arrived at Finchley Road. Next, we swapped onto another train which was 12 stops to Canary Wharf. We got off the train and we admired the beauty of the place. So many tall buildings upon us. It was a six-minute walk to the building and it looked very grand. We were welcomed warmly by the people who worked at the front desk. We were led to the elevator and we got to a floor where it was full of fun activities. We were taken to a room where there was air hockey, bean bags and a disco floor. After some time of looking around, we got our hair done. We got our face painted and got extensions put in our hair. The people were very talented. Another school had arrived and it was Nelson Primary (the runners up of the competition). We went up and saw the trading floors, they were very fun. We got a picture with a former England and Manchester United Defender Rio Ferdinand. Other celebrities we saw on the trade floors included: Sam Allardyce, Laura Whitmore (we were in the elevator with her), Amanda Holden, Davina McCall and Ben Shepard. A zoo visited and we were able to see many animals and Battersea Dogs came with adorable puppies. We got to make our own hats and a magician came and showed us a few tricks while we were having our lunch.

    We were able to visit some of the offices and we were able to do some trading ourselves. We challenged the adults to a 24 game and of course we won. We also were handed headphones because we were doing a silent disco. We had a great time at the event and we thank BGC and the Mayor’s Fund for London for this wonderful opportunity which we will cherish.

    Wrtten by Faryal 6B





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  • Year 3 Stone Age and Iron Age Workshop

    Published 21/09/22

    As part of our exciting topic, ‘Back in time', Year 3 took part in a fantastic workshop day led by one of our Stone Age ancestors! During this visit, the Neolithic Stone Age man arrived, as he did around 12,000 years ago, wearing his fur pelt and carrying his spears and borer. During the workshop the children made their own spearheads out of salt dough, took part in recreating scenes from the Stone Ages and making their own replica of Stonehenge. The children had a great day exploring life in the Stone Ages.







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  • New Building Update

    Published 05/09/22

    All of you must have seen the new school building and how fantastic it is looking. We are still on track to move in over half term and remind you that School will be closed on the following dates Thursday 20th October, Friday 21st Friday, Monday 31st October and Tuesday 1st November to allow staff to decant and move.

    Children will not be in school on these days but learning will still continue as online work will be set or paper packs will be provided. If you do not have access to a computer or laptop at home. School will provide your child with one so they can continue their learning at home. If you are in need of a laptop please email the school on: and provide your child's name and class.





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  • End of Year Music Concert

    Published 21/07/22

    We celebrated the end of the year on Thursday with a music concert. Children and staff performed to the whole school. Choir and rock band performed and sang some of their songs and some children from ukulele club, violin, keyboard and guitar performed some music they have been learning together in music lessons. It was a pleasure to watch and we look forward to watching more performances next year. A big thank you to all of our music teachers; Mr De Souza, Mr Patrick, Miss Yanice, Mr Perry & Mr Petterson for all your hard work.





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  • Harrow Schools' Film Awards

    Published 15/07/22

    Elmgrove attended the Harrow Schools’ Film Awards last night. Reception Hockney class took away the award for best Camera work and Ryan and Hussain (with the help of Muath and Omar) took the KS2 best film award. Special thanks to Miss Leonidas and Mr D’Souza for all their help and support in making the films.




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  • Year 6 Leavers Party, Lion King and Graduation

    Published 15/07/22

    Year 6 have had an awesome few days with celebrating at their leavers party, performing their version of the Lion King to the whole school and parents and then having their graduation. It is always emotional to see how much they have grown and achieved throughout their Elmgrove years from reception to Year 6. We wish them all the best for the future.














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  • Aylward 24 Game Competition

    Published 08/07/22

    Today 6 children from Y5 & Y6 took part in the Aylward 24 Game Competition. 3 schools across Harrow competed for the 24 Game trophy. Team Elmgrove were fantastic, they showed excellent commitment, teamwork and desire and were awarded the 1st place trophy. Elmgrove also won 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place for the individual awards. A huge well done to the team and Mr Gorsia.







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  • Sports Day 2022

    Published 06/07/22

    Elmgrove’s pupils demonstrated once again their love and talent for sport in a fantastic Sports Day! Over two intense days in which our playground turned into a mini-Olympics, our children had the chance to showcase their abilities in a range of field and track events. Lots of winners and a general sense of healthy competition brought about by our fantastic pupils. This year, they even got to enjoy an inflatable obstacle course that tested their climbing skills! Thank you to the PSA for funding this to make school more memorable to all our children. A huge thank you too to all staff Mr O and Mr Muniz for organising a very well an event full of variety and challenges for all ages...including some of our teachers who demonstrated their sprinting skills! Well done!









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  • Count On Us Primary Maths Challenge

    Published 29/06/22

    On Wednesday, 3 children from Year 5 went to compete in a Maths Primary Challenge. They were called to school at 7:30am and took a 45-minute walk to Northwick Park but the train was severely delayed so we went to Kenton where we finally took a train to Waterloo. After changing trains to the DLR we finally reached to the City Hall. Although we were the last ones to reach there and the furthest ones, it took us two and a half hours. We were confident and nervous at the same time.

    Round 1

    Dominoes. As we were so tired we couldn’t perform very well. We could only get 65/100 but our determination to win was still there. We finished 2 out of 4 bonuses and 3 normal shapes.

    Round 2

    T-shapes. T-shapes was our best game as we knew all 36 shapes. So we confidently finished every bonus within the first round.

    Round 3

    24 Game. 24 was our weakest game as we had focused more on the other two games. In total we scored 73 points which wasn’t a very good score so we had to score full marks in codebreaking.

    Round 4

    Codebreaking. We were certain we had to get full marks to get into the top three. After we finished we realised something didn’t add up. We found our mistake and corrected it.

    Last year, Elmgrove came second and our rivals, Nelson Primary, came third. This time they came 2nd and we came 1st. Roni Savage announced the runners up and after what felt like hours of waiting, we were announced as the winners. We all sprang up in joy, and went to receive our trophy. After many photos, we went home.

    Written by Ameya, Darsh and Faryal.


    A HUGE thank you to Mr Gorsia for his dedication when coaching the children towards achieving this award!









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  • Year 4 - Clean Streets Event

    Published 27/06/22

    On Monday, it was a pleasure to join Louise and her team from Harrow Council who work so hard to keep our streets safe and clean. We learnt all about the causes and consequences of littering and fly tipping, spoke to local residents and workers about their opinion of the street and even had a go at power washing and street cleaning! It was fabulous event and as ever, the behaviour of our Year 4 children was outstanding.



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