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    Published 17/05/22

    On Tuesday 17th of May 2022, we travelled to Regent Hall on Oxford Street and competed in the Count on us Primary Challenge Heats round against 12 schools across London. We had been practising at home with the equipment Mr Gorsia (a year 6 teacher) had provided. We felt slightly nervous but excited that we were going to compete against other schools. We played four games which included: the 24 game, Dominoes, T-shapes and Codebreaking. Out of the 12 schools that took part, Elmgrove came in 1st place and we automatically qualified for the grand final in June. When Elmgrove was announced as the winners, we were completely shocked and overwhelmed that we won. Now that we advance to the finals, we train twice as hard and try our best.

    Written by Ameya 5L, Darsh 5G and Faryal 5M





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  • Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

    Published 29/04/22

    Thank you to all the children and parents that engaged with us yesterday after school! We hope you enjoyed a taste of one of our lunch ideas. As a Gold Healthy School, we continue our mission to ensure our children grow with good habits and even better knowledge on how to live healthy lives. If you liked some of our swap ideas and recipes, please remember to visit

    Now let’s make sure our packed lunches are always healthy and varied! Thank you!



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  • Year 5 Visit The British Museum

    Published 11/03/22

    5G and part of 5M visited the British Museum where they took part in a workshop on Ancient Egypt, learning lots about the tomb of Nebamun. They also got the opportunity to visit the various galleries, paying particular attention to the Egyptian mummies and the Anglo-Saxons to complement their historical study in Year 5 so far this year. The remainder of Year 5 will be visiting as well next week.

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  • World Book Day 2022

    Published 03/03/22

    We all had so much fun dressing up as book characters and sharing our favourite books in class. How many book characters do you recognise?

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  • Safer Internet Day

    Published 08/02/22

    Some useful information about Safer Internet Day. Please click the article for full details.

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  • New Building Update

    Published 01/02/22

    New Building Update

    Since the holidays the steel frame of the new build is completed and floor slab installation to all areas, fire proof coatings to all perimeter steels, grouted ground, and roof slabs, and they have started boarding to block A and B which is the hall and the rectangular block you can see nearest the driveway.

    Externally the ground formation has been completed and base course tarmac laid ahead of programme to 70% of external areas. The benefit of this is it will provide the builders with a safe and clean site for future work progression. We are loving watching the updates and look forward to visiting the site again soon. Watch this space for more details.

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  • Children's Commissioner Report

    Published 31/01/22

    Unfortunately, as we continue to see and read in the media, online harassment continues to be part of everyday life. Talking to young people about this issue can be incredibly challenging and a rather daunting task. Therefore, the Children's Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza DBE, has recently published a guidance document for parents to support them to understand online sexual harassment. You can find a copy of these resources and parent guides by clicking on the links below or on the school website. about-online-sexual-harassment-a-guide-for-parents/

    If you have any queries or concerns about any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Mrs Gardner who would be more than happy to help and advise.

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  • Year 4 Visit -New Elmgrove Building

    Published 02/12/21

    Year 4 have had an amazing morning visiting the site of our new school. Thanks to Kier Constructions for showing them round and answering all the questions.

    The crane in the playground is 100 tonnes and 45 feet long!!! Wow!

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  • Pioneer Centre Update Tuesday 13.9.21

    Published 03/11/21
    Pioneer Centre Update Tuesday 13.9.21
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  • Pioneer Centre Update 15.9.21

    Published 15/09/21
    We have vacated our rooms and launched into our final activities. This morning we have a combination of archery, high ropes, inflatable challenge, abseiling and zip wire. Certificates are being given out ahead of us going home for brace participation
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  • Pioneer Centre Update Tuesday 14.9.21

    Published 14/09/21
    This morning the children have had a mixture of Trek Course at the top of a tower and taken part in a live animal show where the children have held pythons, tarantulas, scorpions, skunks and wild birds. Last night we had a campfire and sang songs and
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